Iran launches ‘Chamran 1’ satellite into orbit

Iran successfully launched into orbit a locally-made ‘Chamran 1’ satellite on Saturday.
News ID: 5105
Publish Date: 14 September 2024


 TABNAK, Sep, 14: It was launched into space by ‘Qaem 100’ satellite carrier and was placed in a 550-kilometer orbit.


 The 60-km satellite’s main mission is to test hardware and software systems to prove orbital maneuver technology in height and phase. The evaluation of cold gas propulsion subsystem in space systems and the performance of navigation and situation control subsystems is considered as a sub-mission of Chamran 1 satellite.


The Qaem 100 solid fuel satellite, which was designed and built by the specialists of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force, was able to successfully complete the Chamran 1 satellite orbiting operation in its second orbital operation.

Iran is among the 10 countries with knowledge of space technology and is the 11th country in the world in terms of space science and the leading country in the region.

The country launched its first satellite, called Omid (literally meaning hope), on February 3, 2009, designated this day as “National Space Technology Day”.

In 2012, a third domestically manufactured satellite, named Navid (literally meaning promise), was successfully put into orbit.

According to previous reports, the Iranian Space Agency has plans to launch a number of satellites including Pars-1, Pars-2, Zafar-2, and Nahid-2.


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