What countries are Iran’s key exports destinations?

The UAE, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan and Russia have respectively been Iran’s main customers during the first 5 months of Iranian calendar year (March 22, 2024- August 21, 2024).
News ID: 5110
Publish Date: 15 September 2024


TABNAK, Sep, 15: Iran's non-oil trade with 15 neighboring countries during the above-mentioned period reached 43,579,000 tons worth US$26.8 billion.


The UAE, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan and Russia have been 5 tip destinations for the export of Iranian goods during the 5 months.


Accordingly, Iran's exports to the UAE was worth US$11.9 billion, Turkey US$6.1 billion, Iraq US$4.8 billion, Pakistan US$1.1 billion,  and Russia US$968 million.


In addition, exports to Oman reached US$938 million, Afghanistan US$922 million, Azerbaijan US$307 million, Turkmenistan US$202 million, Armenia US$192 million, Kazakhstan US$119 million, Qatar US$113 million, Kuwait US$112 million, Bahrain US$5 million and Saudi Arabia about US$150.000.


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