Disclosure leader of separatist engineer's identity

The disclosure of a photo revealed new dimensions of the identity of the designer of separatism in Iran and the region.
News ID: 5248
Publish Date: 13 October 2024

TABNAK: After the publication of pictures of the personal life of Yair Golan, an Israeli officer, by a hacker group, regardless of the fact that access to the videos and pictures of the entertainment of this senior Israeli army official with his family and friends is considered a challenge and a threat to the Israeli regime. It has a serious damage in the field of their cyber security, it is also necessary to mention that when it is possible to hack such images of a senior Israeli military official, access to other important people and files is also possible.

In the telegram channel post of this hacker group, regarding the release of images and videos of the mentioned official of the Zionist regime, a text is written, the translation of which is:
"What about Yaer Golan, Bernard Henri Levy? What about the meetings of recent months? We know your new sinister thoughts, but you don't know what happened!

Yair, the senior general of the army, former deputy minister of economy, former representative in the Knesset! Former commander of the internal front! The former commander of the northern front! And the head of the Labor Party and the Democratic Party! We even know what you wear at home! The coordinates of your house are also set for resistance missiles!

But the importance of this issue does not end here, and the leaking of the mentioned images leads to the identification of the main information conductor of the separatist engineer in the region, "Bernard Henry Levy".

Since the 1970s, whenever Israel's position is in danger, Henri Levy has been present in various scenes to help it, and even in the 1980s, at the beginning of the war in Lebanon, he covered the news for Le Monde newspaper in Paris.

He was also present there in 2006 during the second war between Israel and Lebanon. It is this service that Israel recognizes Levy as one of its greatest thinkers, and since 2000, it has created a center for philosophical reflection in his name in Jerusalem.

A man close to the officials of the Elysee Palace

In 2010, Bernard Henry Levy was named the 45th most influential Jewish figure in the world by the Israeli Jerusalem Post.

Of course, besides the fact that he is considered a reliable and important figure by the Israeli authorities, he is also considered an influential person in the Elysee Palace of France.

The footprints of Bernard Henry Levy can be seen in various cases in the West Asia region. The developments in Libya, interference in the path of changes in the Islamic countries of the region in the form of the Islamic Arab Spring, the situation in Afghanistan, inciting the Kurds to create what they call Greater Kurdistan, supporting and inciting protests in Iran by exaggerating some figures, interfering in the escalation of tensions in the Yemen war And... among the actions of this French thinker in order to influence the process of developments and issues in the region in order to secure the interests of the Israeli regime.

Supporting separatists and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region referendum in 2017

He, who has a long history of interfering and influencing the process of regional developments, has made many efforts in the direction of the division of Iran, and his actions with the aim of increasing ethnic divisions, creating and expanding the movements of Arab, Kurdish and Baloch separatist groups in Iran all show his determination. He and his employers want to weaken and divide Iran.
As an example, "Henry Levy" supported their request in 2017 and the issue of the so-called independence referendum of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, although this project ultimately failed due to the opposition of regional governments, including Iran and Turkey.

Henry Levy and the project of 1401 riots in Iran

But separatism and ethnic divide was only one of Henry Levy's agendas in Iran, in 1401 he rode the wave of some unrest and social protests in the form of the Women, Life of Freedom project and by using his experiences in the region and the agendas of his security leader. He made some efforts, such as meeting with some Iranian celebrities, the pictures of which have also been published.
At that time, due to the heavy propaganda pressure of some anti-Iranian media, the Western countries and Tel Aviv, with their miscalculation, thought that they could carry out actions that would lead to the overthrow of Iran with a combined war, increasing ethnic and religious divisions, etc.

This wrong analysis of Iran's internal conditions also provoked and encouraged some of those who dreamed of separatism in Iran, so that maybe they could use some capacities among the Kurds, Baluch and Arabs in the puzzle of the separatism project of Henry Levy and his employer. to play a role and probably have a share of the future they had drawn.

In conclusion, maybe if it had been raised earlier that the woman's project is a life of freedom directed from outside, some people would have reacted to it, but with the hacking and publication of images of an experienced separatist in Iran and the region alongside the leader of the Labor Party Israel, who is also considered a high-ranking official of the army, is no longer a secret to anyone that his actions in these years have been in the direction of maximum supply.

A regime that has always used separatist groups in Iran and the region as a pressure tool against nations and governments and has defined its survival in weakening countries, insecurity and regional tension.

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