بازدید 2062

Syrian Army Knocks Down Three US Drones

Syrian Army units knocked down three American drones on the airspace of the mountainous region of Latakia province, bordering Turkey, military sources in Damascus today reported.
کد خبر: ۶۹۶۸۶۱
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۲ خرداد ۱۳۹۶ - ۱۰:۰۶ 23 May 2017
Syrian Army units knocked down three American drones on the airspace of the mountainous region of Latakia province, bordering Turkey, military sources in Damascus today reported.
According to the reports, those remote-controlled aircrafts, about two feet in diameter, five pounds in weight and an average range of about 10 kilometers, were neutralized over areas close to the city of Kessab.

This location, located less than 20 kilometers from the border with Turkey, is about 40 kilometers east of Idleb, the main seat of the terrorist grouping for the Liberation of the Levant, led by former Al Nusra.

The sources added that to the north and east of that region are located forces of the Turkish army and no less than three thousand troops of United States Special Forces.
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