بازدید 50926

Trump Says Pelosi’s Teeth Were 'Falling Out of Her Mouth' During Press Conference

US President Trump on Sunday tweeted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's teeth were "falling out of her mouth" during a press conference days earlier in which she was discussing the impeachment inquiry.
کد خبر: ۹۴۴۴۰۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۵ آذر ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۸:۲۴ 16 December 2019

US President Trump on Sunday tweeted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's teeth were "falling out of her mouth" during a press conference days earlier in which she was discussing the impeachment inquiry.

Trump made his comments as part of a retweet of Rep. Mark Meadows, who had quote-tweeted a clip of Pelosi explaining why bribery was not one of the articles of impeachment filed by House Democrats against the president last week.

"Because Nancy’s teeth were falling out of her mouth, and she didn’t have time to think!" Trump tweeted, apparently jokingly responding to the reporter's question in the clip.

Earlier this month, Trump accused Pelosi of having a "nervous fit" during another press conference in which she rebuked a reporter for suggesting that she hates Trump and countered that she prays for the president frequently. He dismissed the words about praying, urging her to focus on the levels of homelessness in her own district instead of taking aim at the president.

Nancy Pelosi just had a nervous fit. She hates that we will soon have 182 great new judges and sooo much more. Stock Market and employment records. She says she “prays for the President.” I don’t believe her, not even close. Help the homeless in your district Nancy. USMCA?

An impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump was initiated by US House Democrats in September after a whistleblower complaint claimed that the American president may have abused his power by allegedly using US military aid to Ukraine as leverage to pressure President Volodymyr Zelensky during a 25 July phone call to investigate the activities of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, who sat on the board of a local energy company, Burisma.

Donald Trump has denied any wrongdoing, releasing the transcript of the call and branding the impeachment inquiry as another round of “witch hunt garbage” aimed at discrediting him ahead of the 2020 vote.

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