Prof. von Hippel: Biden will not conduct more negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program

Professor Frank N. von Hippel, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology, believes that “I don’t think that the Biden Administration will be willing to conduct any more negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, before the election.”
کد خبر: ۱۲۴۰۴۴۷
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۲ خرداد ۱۴۰۳ - ۱۴:۴۳ 01 June 2024

TABNAK – Professor Frank N. von Hippel, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology, believes that “I don’t think that the Biden Administration will be willing to conduct any more negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, before the election.”

“I also hope that Iran’s government continues to understand that acquiring nuclear weapons is not in its interest,” Professor Frank N. von Hippel told TABNAK News Agency.

Following is the text of the TABNAK interview with Professor Frank N. von Hippel.

“My understanding is that the Biden Administration blocked access to Iran’s $6 billion in Qatar after Hamas’ 7 October attack.

On the sanctions side, Congress has indeed called for more sanctions to help block Iran’s exports to China.  Here is a report on that,  I don’t know how effective the additional requirements will be.

All of us are, of course worried about the danger of escalation of the war in Gaza to directly involve Iran. The Netanyahu government may have been trying to provoke such an escalation when it killed the IRG leaders in Syria.

Indirect negotiations in Oman between Iran and the US were reported in March. The subject was reportedly the Houthi attacks on ship traffic in the Red Sea.  I haven’t seen any reports that the nuclear issue was discussed.

I don’t think that the Biden Administration will be willing to conduct any more negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, before the election. I hope Biden will be re-elected.  And I hope things don’t blow up before then.

I wish the people of Iran well. This crazy situation is not their fault.  I hope the Gaza war does not become a regional war. I also hope that Iran’s government continues to understand that acquiring nuclear weapons is not in its interest.  We would all be safer if we got rid of all nuclear weapons, including those of my country.”

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