بازدید 32159

Iran keen on long term strategic ties with Pakistan: Minister

کد خبر: ۹۰۹۵۲۵
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۴ تير ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۰:۰۲ 05 July 2019

Iranian Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade Reza Rahmani says his country desires to develop long term strategic ties with Pakistan.

Reza Rahmani in a meeting with Pakistan’s Minister for Maritime Affairs Syed Ali Haider Zaidi on Thursday said that Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have always paid extra focus on stronger ties with Pakistan.

Iranian minister is currently on a two day official visit to Pakistan to hold talks with Pakistani leaders on expansion of trade and other matters of mutual interests.

Rahmani in the meeting said that recent visit of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to Iran was very successful which had opened new vistas of cooperation between the two neighboring states.

He added that implementation of the decisions taken during PM visit would not only improve ties between the two countries, but would also cause a positive impact on the lives of the people of Iran and Pakistan.

The Iranian official called for a proper mechanism for the implementation of decisions between Iran and Pakistan. He added that shipping cooperation between Iran and Pakistan could play a very vital role in bringing the two countries further closer to each other.

The minister noted that shipping sector is very important for safe and fast transportation of goods.

Rahmani stressed the need for up gradation of road and railway network between Iran and Pakistan.

He said that as Pakistan is making efforts to launch a ferry service between the two states Iran too is ready to extend all kinds of cooperation to Pakistan to start the project. He added that the service could also be used for transportation of goods which would improve the trade between Iran and Pakistan.

The minister said Iran and Pakistan share 1,000-kilometer-long border, so trade between the two neighboring states should be enhanced. He added that hurdles in Iran-Pakistan trade can be removed through discussions.

He was of the view that constructive steps should be taken to resume banking ties between Iran and Pakistan and promotion of investment.

Pakistan’s Minister for Maritime Affairs Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, for his part, said that people of Iran and Pakistan enjoy exemplary relations.

He said "we are interested to launch ferry service with Iran with big vessels instead of small boats". He said the large vessels would not only carry passengers but the goods also.

The minister added that Pakistani banks think that if they resume business with Iran they might invoke the US sanctions on them.

Zaidi went on to say that Prime Minister Imran Khan will be visiting US this month and he would definitely raise this issue with American authorities.

Pakistani officials during the meeting raised some problems faced by Pakistan sailors in getting Iranian visa. The Iranian minister assured Pakistani authorities to look into the matter despite the issue pertains to other department.

Reza Rahmani said Iran is ready to give Pakistan access to Caspian Sea and northern regions, adding that Iran is also ready to transport Pakistani pilgrims to Iraq through land and sea routes.

The Iranian delegation said that there are some data-x-items which do not fall under sanctions like, rice, meat and medicines so Iran is willing to start trade of these products with Pakistan.

Pakistani delegation said that they are seriously looking into the Iranian offer of access to the Caspian Sea.


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