بازدید 29123

Tehran-London tensions on the rise as Britain refuses to release detained tanker

The illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker by the British forces has started to create serious risks of escalations in the relations between Tehran and London. As the detention of the tanker has been extended for another two weeks, Iranian officials talk about a possible retaliating move against the British tankers.
کد خبر: ۹۰۹۶۳۶
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۵ تير ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۰:۳۳ 06 July 2019

Tabnak – The illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker by the British forces has started to create serious risks of escalations in the relations between Tehran and London. As the detention of the tanker has been extended for another two weeks, Iranian officials talk about a possible retaliating move against the British tankers.

A top court in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar has ruled that an Iranian supertanker illegally seized in the Strait of Gibraltar can be detained for up to 14 more days.

“The Supreme Court has issued today’s order on the basis that there are reasonable grounds to consider that the detention of the Grace 1 is required for the purposes of compliance with the European Union (EU) Regulation 36/2012 on sanctions on Syria,” Gibraltar’s government said in a statement on Friday.

Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said on Thursday that the territory’s police and customs agencies, aided by a detachment of British Royal Marines, had seized the Iranian “Grace 1” vessel on suspicion of carrying crude oil to Syria, which has been under EU sanctions since 2011.

Earlier on Friday, the Associated Press reported that the vessel’s 28 crew members were being held on the ship for questioning and had not been detained under criminal procedures, citing an unnamed spokesperson for the Gibraltar government.

Spain, which challenges the British ownership of Gibraltar, has said the seizure was prompted by a US request to Britain and appeared to have taken place in Spanish waters. However, the British-claimed overseas territory rejected the claim on Friday, saying that Gibraltar had acted independently.

Meanwhile, a senior Iranian official has called for the seizure of a British oil tanker in case London refuses to release the Iranian vessel it has illegally detained.

“If Britain does not release the Iranian oil tanker, it is the authorities’ duty to make a reciprocal move and seize a British oil tanker,” said Major General Mohsen Rezaei, a top IRGC general and the secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council.

He said the Islamic Republic has never been the initiator of tension in its 40-year history, but it also will never hesitate to respond to bullies.

Iranian supertanker Grace 1 was boarded and impounded by Gibraltar police and customs agencies, aided by a detachment of British Royal Marines, on Thursday at the US request in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Later in the day, Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned Britain’s ambassador to the country to express its strong protest at the move.

At the Foreign Ministry, Rob Macaire was told that the British Royal Marines’ move was tantamount to “maritime piracy”, and that the UK must immediately release the oil tanker.

It was also emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran will employ all its political and legal capacities to secure the release of the vessel and uphold its rights.

Experts believe the measure taken by the British government in seizing the Iranian tanker is illegal and can have serious consequences for the government in London.

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