بازدید 54724

Two cruise ships ordered into quarantine as virus death toll nears 500

Thousands of passengers and crew on two cruise ships in Asian waters were placed in quarantine on Wednesday, as the death toll from an outbreak of a fast-spreading coronavirus rose to nearly 500.
کد خبر: ۹۵۶۹۸۰
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۸ - ۱۲:۱۹ 05 February 2020

Thousands of passengers and crew on two cruise ships in Asian waters were placed in quarantine on Wednesday, as the death toll from an outbreak of a fast-spreading coronavirus rose to nearly 500.
China’s National Health Commission said another 65 people had died as of Tuesday, a new daily record taking the toll on the mainland to 490, most in and around the locked-down central city of Wuhan, where the virus emerged late last year.

There have been two deaths outside mainland China, both following visits to Wuhan. A man in the Philippines died last week, and a 39-year-old man with underlying illness died in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

Across mainland China, there were 3,887 new confirmed infections, for a total of 24,324.

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