بازدید 59617

Large-scale Russian air strikes over Idlib in response of the Turkish ultimatum

Attempts by the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan to intimidate the Russian and Syrian military resulted in colossal losses for terrorists in the province of Idlib, which was caused by large-scale strikes by the Russian Air Force, resumed 36 hours after the military ultimatum of the Turkish leader, learned BulgarianMiltary.com, quoting news agency AviaPro.
کد خبر: ۹۵۷۷۸۷
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۰ بهمن ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۸:۲۸ 09 February 2020

Attempts by the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan to intimidate the Russian and Syrian military resulted in colossal losses for terrorists in the province of Idlib, which was caused by large-scale strikes by the Russian Air Force, resumed 36 hours after the military ultimatum of the Turkish leader, learned BulgarianMiltary.com, quoting news agency AviaPro.

According to military sources in the Syrian army, Russian combat aircraft began to carry out massive air strikes against terrorists shortly before the meeting of the Russian and Turkish delegations, and in only a few hours the militants suffered losses measured by hundreds of people. It is reported that the militants lost at least 6 units of armored vehicles, at least two missile systems installations and several vehicles.

“An attempt to threaten Russia and its allies is one of the greatest nonsense. If the Turkish military had made attempts to defeat the positions of the SAA or the Russian troops, this would have ended with attacks on the observation posts of Turkey, whose military is absolutely illegal in the Arab Republic. It remains only to ask whether Erdogan wants to continue to threaten Russia?” an AviaPro analyst said.

It should be clarified that in the framework of the meeting, Russia only accepted Turkey’s intentions to maintain its observation posts in Syria, however, any ultimatums are absolutely unacceptable, since Turkey does not fulfill its agreements under the Sochi agreement.

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