بازدید 197759

Trump lobbies Bernie Sanders supporters to join Republican Party

President Trump made an appeal for Bernie Sanders’ supporters to join the Republican Party on Wednesday after Sanders suspended his campaign — preying on tensions within the Democratic movement.
کد خبر: ۹۷۱۲۲۲
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۱ فروردين ۱۳۹۹ - ۲۰:۰۸ 09 April 2020

President Trump made an appeal for Bernie Sanders’ supporters to join the Republican Party on Wednesday after Sanders suspended his campaign — preying on tensions within the Democratic movement.

In a trio of tweets, Trump repeated his claim that the Democratic Party had done wrong by Sanders and his legion of fervent supporters, and accused former candidate Elizabeth Warren of costing him victory.

“Bernie Sanders is OUT! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on Super Tuesday!” Trump wrote to his 76 million followers.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that Sanders, 78 — a party outsider much like the president — was being victimized by the same Democratic establishment that tried to derail his bid against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco. The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!” Trump wrote.

The president also noted tensions between Sanders’ progressive base and the establishment party, saying fellow Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would not endorse Joe Biden.
“Can’t see AOC plus 3 supporting Sleepy Joe!,” Trump wrote, using his preferred put-down for the former vice president, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Addressing supporters Wednesday morning, Sanders announced he would stay on the ballot despite throwing in the towel on his sputtering bid, vowing to amass more delegates and wield them for influence at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Trump, who must have been tuned into Sanders’ livestream, said the move was odd.

“Wow, Bernie is unwilling to give up his delegates, and wants more of them! What’s that all about?” he wrote.

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