Capitol Mess: Poster Connecting Ilhan Omar with 9/11 Leads to Anger

It is unknown who sneaked the poster in the state capitol, but Democrats accused the Republicans.
کد خبر: ۸۸۲۵۵۱
۱۲ اسفند ۱۳۹۷ - ۰۹:۱۰ 03 March 2019
56870 بازدید

It is unknown who sneaked the poster in the state capitol, but Democrats accused the Republicans.

Someone has planted a poster connecting Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar to the 9/11 attacks in the rotunda of West Virginia Capitol building, sparking outrage among lawmakers.

The poster features a split image of former World Trade Center skyscrapers in moment of the attack and a portrait of the Representative wearing her trademark hijab beneath it.

"'Never Forget' — You said," the caption on the poster reads. "I am the proof you have forgotten."

​The poster was part of the display for "West Virginia GOP Day," which the party advertised on Facebook as a day when "Republicans Take the Rotunda."

The poster, unsurprisingly, caused a heated dispute among the lawmakers, NBC reported. One staff member was physically injured during the morning's confrontations, and another official resigned after being accused of making anti-Muslim comments, the report reads.

Another Democratic Delegate Mike Angelucci alleged that House's sergeant at arms Anne Lieberman dropped a remark that "all Muslims are terrorists" during the confrontation. Angelucci demanded her to resign citing "hate speech." In a later interview, Lieberman denied she ever made such comment, however, by the end of the day she had submitted her resignation "effective immediately," NBC reports.

House of Delegates Speaker Roger Hanshaw issued a statement saying his office is investigating what happened.

"Leadership of the House of Delegates is currently working to investigate these incidents to learn firsthand the factual basis of what occurred, and will respond with appropriate action," he said in a statement.

Representative Omar responded to the situation with a Tweet blaming the Republicans for a "anti-Muslim display."

"No wonder why I am on the ‘Hitlist' of a domestic terrorist and ‘assassinate Ilhan Omar' is written on my local gas stations," she tweeted Saturday. "Look no further, the GOP's anti-Muslim display likening me to a terrorist rocks in state capitols and no one is condemning them!"

No wonder why I am on the “Hitlist” of a domestic terrorist and “Assassinate Ilhan Omar” is written on my local gas stations.

​Ilhan Omar a Somali-American politician, she was one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, along with Rashida Tlaib. Unlike Tlaib, Omar always wears a hijab in public, and has become famous for being the first lawmaker to do so.

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