TABNAK –Shireen Tahmaasb Hunter, a professor of political science at Georgetown University, tells that it is hard to predict what Trump might do against Iran.
She adds, “Trump is likely to keep up the pressure on Iran, but also hint at accommodation provided Iran change its policies.”
Following is the text of the interview:
Q: In your opinion, what was the main reason for Trump's victory and Harris' defeat in the US presidential election?
A: The main reason for Harris ' defeat were the following: her own poor performance and her reputation for being too leftist, her association with Biden's failures, notably high inflation and unprecedented levels immigration in a short period of time, and at least in the state of Michigan with large Arab population the war in Gaza. A more effective campaigner than Harris might have overcome some of these handicaps.
Q: Some believe that Harris's failure to win was due to her being a woman and is a sign of the conservatism of American society. To what extent has this variable been effective?
A: There is still some resistance to the idea of a female president. Apparently, Black men, in particular, did not want a female president. However, I believe Harris' views and performance played more important roles than her gender.
Q: Can it be said that American society has moved from globalization and immigration policies and liberal foreign policy towards a conservative policy in the domestic and foreign policies? If so, what is the future of the Democratic Party?
A: The American working class has suffered from the liberal economic policies, especially the US business' tendency to invest abroad instead of the US. In addition, Americans are concerned that because of certain practices of states like China, such as low wages, subsidies, they have an unfair advantage over the US. On social issues, too, many Americans disapprove of the views of the left wing of the Democratic Party. However, I do not see a strong wave of conservatism sweeping America.
Q: Some believe that Trump will continue the policy of maximum pressure against Iran in his second term as US president. What is your assessment?
A: It is hard to predict what Trump might do. On the one hand, he does not want war. However, he also will have to face pressures from the Iran hawks and Israel supporters. Another question is whether Trump has learned from his past mistakes in dealing with Iran. Therefore, he is likely to keep up the pressure on Iran, but also hint at accommodation provided Iran change its policies.
Q: If nuclear negotiations begin, will Trump separate the Iranian nuclear issue from regional politics and be willing to negotiate only on the nuclear issue?
A: It has never been possible to separate the nuclear issue and Iran's regional and international policies. Even the JCPOA was to be a prelude to discussing other issues. This is one reason some in Iran opposed it. Trump, too, will be pressured by Netanyahu to continue treating Iran harshly. However, so far, Trump has only insisted that Iran cannot have a nuclear bomb.