The incident took place at Afghan National Army's (ANA) Shaheen Corps in Mazar-e Sharif city of Balkh province.
Abdul Qahar Aram, spokesman for the corps, told Anadolu Agency that the wounded troops had been taken to hospital.
The NATO-led Resolute Support Mission said in a statement that no U.S. soldier died in the assault, while the attacker was killed in a retaliatory fire.
The statement read that the incident was under investigation and more details would be provided when available.
Last week, a Taliban infiltrator in the Afghan army shot two U.S. soldiers dead before being killed.
The incident took place in the restive Achin district of the eastern Nangarhar province, where the U.S. and the Afghan forces are engaged in an intensive operation against the IS militants.
According to the Long War Journal, the total number of Coalition deaths from green-on-blue attacks since Jan. 1, 2008 is 152. The total number of soldiers wounded is 193.