Yuram Weiler: Iran takes revenge on Israel/Biden takes burden off Harris by mediating in Gaza war

Yuram Abdullah Weiler, journalist and political commentator in Denver, says Iran will have no choice but to take revenge on Israel once the global arrogance realizes that Iran is not a power that can be played with.
News ID: 5007
Publish Date: 18 August 2024

TABNAK: Yuram Abdullah Weiler, journalist and political commentator in Denver, believes that Iran will have no choice but to take revenge on Israel once the global arrogance realizes that Iran is not a power that can be played with.

Following is the text of the TABNAK interview with Yuram Abdullah Weiler.

Q: The Gaza ceasefire negotiations ended in Doha, Qatar, while the three countries, the United States, Qatar, and Egypt, declared it constructive, and it was decided to continue reviewing the details at next week's meeting in Cairo. What is your assessment of these negotiations?

A: So the United States, Qatar and Egypt declared the negotiations constructive, perhaps for themselves but certainly not for the Palestinian people.  After all, what kind of negotiations can take place under the so-called “mediation” of the U.S.? Does anyone outside the Beltway really believe that the U.S. can act as a mediator when it continues to ship ordnance to its Zionist ally and provide political cover?  The official White House statement claims, “The path is now set for that outcome, saving lives, bringing relief to the people of Gaza, and de-escalating regional tensions.”  Perhaps on 10 October 2023 I would have believed this rubbish, but now, it should be crystal clear to even the most gullible that Washington is an accomplice in the Palestinian genocide, and has not lifted a diplomatic finger to restrain the rabid regime in Tel Aviv.

Q: Hamas has announced that the Doha negotiations were a waste of time and has demanded the implementation of the previous negotiations. Hamas believes that Netanyahu is trying to buy time by proposing new negotiations. Will the implementation of the three-phase plan of the US for the Gaza ceasefire be realized?

 A: UN Security Council Resolution 2735 adopted on 10 June 2024 was based on an outline submitted by the Zionist regime, so Biden was apparently parroting what the Israelis had already agreed to.  In any case, the resolution itself points out that “The Security Council...Welcomes the new ceasefire proposal announced on May 31, which Israel accepted...” Hamas reacted positively to the proposal, which was nearly identical to one previously submitted by the resistance movement a few weeks earlier.  At that time, Hamas indicated that it was prepared to reach a comprehensive agreement, but emphasized that it would not accept a policy of continuous negotiations under conditions of killing, siege, starvation and genocide of the Palestinian people.  Yet this is precisely what Netanyahu is doing, and Biden, despite sorrowful rhetoric to the contrary, appears to be on board with him.

The three-phase plan, which as noted above appears to be a Zionist edit of a prior Hamas proposal and was technically accepted by the Tel Aviv regime under UN Resolution 2735, will not be accepted as long as Netanyahu keeps adding conditions and Biden refuses to apply meaningful pressure, such as halting arms shipments to the perpetrators of this genocide.  The last politician to apply serious pressure to Netanyahu was George H.W. Bush’s secretary of state, James Baker, who, at least temporarily, refused to talk directly with the rogue Israeli politician.

When Bush and Baker postponed loan guarantees allegedly to be used for housing Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union, AIPAC unleased its “anti-Semitism” dogs. In response, Baker was emphatic when speaking before this unregistered agent of the Israeli government, insisting that Israel should “lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a Greater Israel … Forswear annexation, stop settlement activity, allow schools to reopen, reach out to the Palestinians as neighbors who deserve political rights.”  Baker’s hard line paid off when the Likud party lost in the 1992 elections, and Yitzhak Rabin, who was more open to negotiating with the Palestinians, came to power.  Given that today, no U.S. politician appears to have the intestinal fortitude to confront the Zionists, the chances of a Gaza ceasefire are slim.

Q: The realization of the ceasefire will end Netanyahu's political life. Knowing this, Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire. Will America be able to put pressure on Netanyahu's government in this regard?

A: Does anyone think that Washington, after some 76 years of providing the Zionist regime with unabashed political cover along with lavish economic and military aid, would put any serious pressure on Tel Aviv, particularly in an election year?  As noted above, serious U.S. pressure on the Israeli entity has not occurred for over 30 years.  Furthermore, the apartheid government in Tel Aviv is now in the clutches of such a group of bloodthirsty fanatics, that it is possible increased U.S. pressure would only incite them in a direction of increased radicalism.

 Biden wants a ceasefire in order to have a diplomatic success as a selling point in the forthcoming U.S. presidential election, not for himself, of course, but to prevent his current V.P. and presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris, from being burdened with having to expend her political capital on the issue.  Nevertheless, Harris must pass the Israel lobby litmus test, which would preclude any meaningful statements on the Palestinian genocide that could easily be construed as “anti-Semitic” and thus spell defeat for her presidential bid.

Q: It seems that Iran and Hezbollah are considering the results of the Gaza ceasefire negotiations for a military response to Israel. Although Iran has declared that the ceasefire in Gaza is a priority, it has called Iran's reaction independent of it. What is your assessment?

A: How many times has Iran’s sovereignty been violated over the past 45 years since the victory of the Islamic Revolution?  On 24 April 1980, the U.S. violated Iran’s sovereignty by an incursion of armed forces, which culminated in the deaths of 8 American invaders. On 22 September 1980, former Iraqi dictator Saddam invaded Iran with 11 divisions after receiving a green light from Carter, who relayed U.S. approval for the attack through King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. In April 1988, the U.S. directly attacked Iranian oil platforms and other Iranian naval targets in the Persian Gulf.  Even after the U.S warship USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 on 3 July 1988 killing all 290 passengers and crew on board, Iran showed remarkable restraint in retaliation.  The USS Vincennes captain, Will Rogers, had been violating Iran’s sovereignty by attacking Iranian vessels operating within Iranian territorial waters.

Starting in 2005, U.S. covertly aided the terrorist group Jundallah, which carried out terror attacks inside Iran.  Between 2010 and 2020, five top Iranian scientists were assassinated by members of Mujahedin-e Khalq operating under the auspices of Mossad.  In January of this year, ISIS launched an attack killing 84 and injuring 284 near the burial site of Martyr Qasem Soleimani, who himself and a number of has companions were killed in a U.S. air strike in Baghdad in January 2020.  Then there was the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus in April, which killed 16 people, including 8 officers of the IRGC.  And most recently, the assassination of Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh in Tehran constituted a blatant violation of Iranian territorial sovereignty.

So as far as violations of Iranian sovereignty are concerned, these have been ongoing long before the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza began last October.  Iran has every right to defend its territorial integrity under international law and has called upon the United Nations numerous times to condemn these blatant breaches to no avail.  The Islamic Republic has a right under international law to repulse an aggressor state with sufficient force to diminish the danger of new aggression. This retaliatory action may continue until such time as the UN Security Council acts to suppress the aggression and restore peace, or, in absence of such action, the armed forces of the aggressor state are defeated. In my opinion, Iran is left with no alternative but to retaliate in a manner that the global arrogance will take notice that Iran is not a power with which to be toyed.

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