TABNAK- Tariq Raouf, former Head of Nuclear Verification and Security Policy Coordination at IAEA says US fears a broader war, Iranian retaliation against Saudi, UAE, Oman oil and gas fields and US bases there.
Rauf also adds that US fears that “Iran would leave NPT and race to make nuclear bombs.”
Following is the text of the TABNAK interview with Tariq Raouf.
Q: Israel has announced that in retaliation to Iran's missile attack, its nuclear facilities are one of the targets of the attack. Do you think it is possible for Israel to do something like this?
A: Israel could attack above ground facilities at Isfahan, Arak, Parchin, Qom. And use US supplied earth penetrating bombs on Natanz. Also, cyber attacks are a possibility and assassination of nuclear scientists and military leaders.
Q: What are the consequences of an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in terms of international law?
A: Such an attack would be illegal under Geneva Convention Protocol 1; but who cares. The West would be happy, UN impotent.
Q: What is the IAEA's point of view regarding such measures and why does the agency not announce its serious opposition to this matter?
A: Good point, I have asked DG Grossi to speak out. The IAEA could say that the DG has warned against attacks on nuclear facilities anywhere.
Q: The U.S. has announced that it does not support Israel's attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. What is the reason for that?
A: US fears a broader war, Iranian retaliation against Saudi, UAE, Oman oil and gas fields and US bases there. And that Iran would leave NPT and race to make nuclear bombs.