بازدید 576

Prof. von Hippel: U.S. sanctions not prevent all of Iran’s international sales of oil

Professor Frank N. von Hippel, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology, believes that Netanyahu’s government will be gone, however, and the successor government will not be as eager to get the U.S. into war with Iran.
کد خبر: ۱۲۴۵۸۳۲
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۳ تير ۱۴۰۳ - ۰۹:۵۵ 03 July 2024

TABNAK – Professor Frank N. von Hippel, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology, believes that Netanyahu’s government will be gone, however, and the successor government will not be as eager to get the U.S. into war with Iran.

“I don’t think U.S. sanctions can prevent all of Iran’s international sales of oil – certainly not to China,” Professor Frank N. von Hippel told TABNAK News Agency.

Following is the text of the TABNAK interview with Professor Frank N. von Hippel.

Q: If Biden wins the US election, will he sign a new agreement with Iran?

A: It would be politically difficult but I would hope that he would be willing to do so if Iran meets him halfway.

Q: If Trump wins, what will be his approach to Iran's nuclear program?

A: I worry he would align himself with Netanyahu again. Hopefully, Netanyahu’s government will be gone, however, and the successor government will not be as eager to get the U.S. into war with Iran.

Q: Some argue that the sale of oil by the government of Ebrahim Raisi is the result of an understanding between Iran and America and with the green light of the Biden government, and if Trump comes to power, it will prevent the sale of Iranian oil. But Iran's officials believe that oil sales have nothing to do with Biden's government, and Iran's oil sales will continue even with Trump's presence. What is your assessment?

A: I don’t think U.S. sanctions can prevent all of Iran’s international sales of oil – certainly not to China.

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